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Hands of man playing the trombone

Trombone/Euphonium Long Course

Hour long lesson option

Once a week for a scheduled hour, your learning trombone/euphonium student will have a full regiment tailored to the reinforcement of good habits, correction of habits that can inhibit the performer and the addition of new techniques required to perform at the highest standards:

  • Scales: Learning/enforcing the 12 major scales over time, ability to learn other modes (minors/ blues etc)

  • Technique: Utilizing exercises such as long tones, lip slurs and tonguing/air exercises to develop versatility in many styles and genres of performance

  • Practical application: Students throughout the year will work on executing these points in their music courses at school, as well as dive into solo/chamber works appropriate to their level. These may come from multiple book sources or solos, which the student may be required to purchase.

Lessons are schedule on a weekly basis, with a set day, time and location, determined by the mutual schedule of the student (and parents for those still in school) and the instructor.



Book for



Trombone/Euphonium, Trumpet, Guitar, Piano

30 minute lesson option (for beginners, budget or the busy schedule)

Once a week for a scheduled 30 minute session, you and/or your young musician will learn the basics of their instrument if they are new or have a tailored practice routine with exercises built for enforcing good habits for your progressing musician. What will be focused in these 30 minute sessions:

  • Tone production: working towards good tone qualities within embouchure, air quality, fingering/slide positions and more, depending on the instrument

  • Scales/Technique: Beginning to learn the major scales for beginners, one new one every week or two preferable for beginning students, or more for those who have been working on them. Techniques depending on the instrument will be applied as a tool to work with the music they will be performing

  • Practical application: Students will use these skills either in the academic setting or from pieces picked by interest and application of techniques

Scheduled on a weekly basis, on the mutual schedules of the student (and parents) and the instructor.

Book for:


Conductor's baton on sheet music

Music Theory Crash Courses

Know how to play but not to read music? Looking to have the building blocks needed to compose/arrange?

These lessons will be designed to allow any musician to expand their abilities to compose, arrange and even improvise. You will learn everything about musical theory, written and aural, and work to apply it within your goals.


These lessons will work to assist in building a fundamental foundation within your instrument (intervals, counterpoint and more) as well as learning how different timbres and ranges work together to create the great works from centuries ago to now. Learning to compose appropriately will give you the tools necessary to create pieces that push the musical boundaries as well as keeping the tried and true foundation that brought civilization a myriad of genres, instrumentation and more.


These are scheduled either in half hour, hour or as needed sessions. They are scheduled preferably on a set weekly basis, but depending on the openings can be based on the needs of the students.



Book per lesson:


*Lessons are preferred to be paid on a monthly in advance basis, unless agreed upon . Averages are $140/month for four 30 minute lesson/month or $280/month for four hour lesson/month. Actual totals may vary based on holidays, reschedules or actual amount of a given weekday each month.


*Bulk lesson payments are also accepted with a 5% discounted rate for at least 3 months in advance paid at once. Summer only lessons are only offered in specific timelines and are geared for new students to the studio.




Hayden is also available for the composing or arranging of music to the tastes of the individual/group requesting music. Pieces can be composed for any group wishing to either have a piece arranged or newly commissioned, with the resulting work being premiered by the group. Rate are negotiable based on the factors of length of music, instrumentation, and deadline. A commissioned work may go up for sale on this website with the commissioner's name placed on the music, negotiated between the commissioner and Hayden.


Contact Hayden for information and a quote on your specific needs in the music.


Aside from the above services, Hayden can also be contacted for performances, which are priced out based on prepare time, other musicians involved, location and more. Contact for more information.


Guitar Maintenance/Repair


Hayden also works on basic maintenance of guitars, from re-stringing of guitars to overhauls. Scroll through the slides to pick your guitar servicing needs:


6, 7 & 8 string electric guitar and 6 string acoustic guitar restringing. Includes full cleaning, intonation adjustments, pickup leveling, truss rod adjustments.

12 string electric and acoustic guitar restringing. Includes full cleaning, truss rod adjustment and more.

*if you have correct parts, then only flat rate shown is billed

Audio-Visual Recording and Editing


Do you need an event filmed? Got an audition that requires quality audio to land that scholarship or gig? Hayden offers on-location recording of audio and video for these purposes. With video/photo equipment (video camera or photo camera) and a dedicated audio set-up (dedicated self-built PC, Shure microphones and Steinberg USB audio interface) you can receive the best in affordable recordings with the ability to travel to venues to record materials for soloists or small groups.


Recording packages start at $75/hour (includes travel, set-up, recording and editing, equipment maintenance and more). Email for exact quotes.

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